Intentional & Continual
Pray: That God would grow your heart for the lost among the nations & within our city, and that Fletcher would be a ministry of reconciliation for the lost & least.
Partner: With Fletcher members currently living on mission throughout the world & within our city to reach the lost for Christ within their spheres of influence.
Pursue: Identify People of Peace within your spheres of influence that you can pray for and move toward with the good news of Jesus.
Proclaim: Share Jesus and your life with people who are far from God through hospitality, service, & speech.
What is a Gospel Encounter?
Gospel Encounters are mouth to ear proclamation of gospel truth with an invitation to respond. They are not full gospel presentations, but rather, any conversation with a potential lost person that has a spiritual bent to it. For example:
- Intentionally getting to know a neighbor and hear their story
- Asking to pray for a person.
- Giving biblical advice to a friend for how you would handle some situation with work, marriage, kids, etc.
- Asking if someone goes to church
- Sharing the life events of your story and the church's priority in your personal life
- Telling someone you will pray for them
- Sharing the Gospel while praying over a meal
- Asking if they have a relationship with Jesus
- Sharing a difficult time in your life and how the Gospel encouraged you through it

As it is written, "How beautiful
are the feet of those who
preach good news!"
- Romans 10:15
Creating Gospel Encounters
(Simple Ways to be Missional)
- Get to work before anyone else 2x this week and pray over office, co-workers, etc.
- Identify something about a different co-worker daily: share or write an encouragement about what you saw them do well
- Invite co-worker(s) to lunch this week or bring in breakfast for your team
- Invite a family on your kid's ball team out for a meal after a practice/ game
- Walk dog or kids the same time 3x this week, pray as you go, stop and talk to any neighbors you encounter that seem open to chatting
- Invite a neighbor(s) over for dinner or arrange a game night for some families on your street
- Pray before attending kids sports games, neighborhood functions, hobbies, going to work, etc. that you would have open eyes to opportunities God gives