“It is our desire to see kids grow to know The Lord, His Word and to discover His plan for their lives.”
Our kids are at different points in their faith, and our teachers meet them where they are.
Whether your child has been in church for a while, or church is completely new, we welcome you! Our goal is to show the truth of God’s Word in all lessons and events and help equip parents with the best resources for raising their kids to know and fear the Lord.
FMBC Children offers programs for children in grades from
Kindergarten through 5th Grade. From Sunday School and Children’s Church to TeamKid and Vacation Bible School… we want to help kids connect with God.
Your children will be in a safe environment where they’ll learn about Jesus while having fun and playing with friends.
Sunday Mornings
Once you arrive on campus, head over to the Children’s building. Check-in at the kiosk in the foyer and our staff will help your child get connected in his/her class so you can attend an adult Sunday School class.
At 10:30, Children (K-5th grade) SS teachers will take their classes to the auditorium, and you will pick up your child there.
On Sunday mornings we offer Children Sunday School from 9:30-10:30. Classes are divided by grades: K-1st, 2nd -3rd, and 4th -5th.
We are currently using Lifeway “Explore the Bible” curriculum. Every session your kids will practice the skills required to better read, know, and apply God’s Word.
On the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays of each month, we offer Children’s Church for grades Kindergarten through 2nd Grade.
Currently, our lessons are from the Jesus Storybook Bible with related activities to further emphasize the lesson. Children’s Church is held in the Kids Corner in the Children’s Building.
Wednesday Nights
During the school year, FMBC Children offers TeamKid on Wednesday
nights from 6:00-7:00. TeamKid features Bible memorization and
lessons, games, and application of Bible truths all while helping your
kids grow to be more like Jesus.
Our leaders use interactive lessons and activities to reach children
where they are spiritually and developmentally. Our goal is not to be
the ultimate spiritual authority in a child’s life, but to partner with and
equip a kid’s best spiritual asset – their family.
Child Safety
Safety and security are vitally important to us. All of our volunteers are background checked and trained in our Policies and Procedures.
Please contact our Kids Ministry Director, Melodie McNamee with any questions (912-856-1662)